David T. Rahamut was born in Trinidad, West Indies of Eastern Indian descent. His entire family heritage was Muslim (Moslem). It can be traced back to India and Pakistan the birth countries of his grandparents.
Trinidad is a cosmopolitan country. After the discovery of oil in the South, it attracted many nationalities. Trinidadian food and hospitality are still some of the greatest in the world. Religious and cultural indoctrinations are like prisons because no one questions right or wrong or good or bad of what is being taught by religious leaders.
The years Rev. Dr. David T. Rahamut spent living in a predominantly Hindu-Muslim culture cannot be forgotten. The society knew about Christmas, Easter, and other Christian events. No one denies the knowledge of Jesus in Trinidad. The Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was a prophet but not the Savior who died on the cross or that He could save anyone. Evangelism by Christians has become the most powerful means of conversion.
It was not Dr. Rahamut’s choice to be born into a Muslim home; however, even if he were born into a Christian home, he would still have to be born again spiritually to go to Heaven. There were many devout defenders of Islam in his family. His mother sent him to Muslim school and church every evening after public day school. His academic and spiritual development pleased the members of his family. He advanced well enough in the Muslim religion that he began visiting many members homes with church leaders to have special services.
As a teenager, Dr. Rahamut, was in terrible turmoil. He joined a gang, began to drink heavily, and was rebellious and very vulgar. Even through all of the difficulties, his belief in Allah (God) was never questioned. He was born a Muslim and believed he would always be a Muslim. With serious problems in his life, the devil made sure that his extreme depression over trouble with the law and many other people would successfully send him to Hell, but his life was about to drastically change.
He was saved miraculously from the Muslim religion at the age of 17. He went into a sugar cane field behind his house to drink poison. He wanted to die and had planned to commit suicide. He said a few last Muslim prayers before he was about to end his life. As he held the poison up to his lips he heard a voice say, “Instead of drinking poison, why not confess your sins to Jesus?”
He felt the hairs stand up on his head and arms. He immediately dropped the poison and fell to his knees and said, ” Lord, If you will forgive me, I will be a Christian.” Dr. Rahamut began to feel loads of weight roll off of his head and shoulders. Praise God! At that moment, the living resurrected Christ came to his rescue and into his life. Jesus saved both his life and his soul. From that moment, he took Jesus and Christianity into his heart. He began preaching, evangelizing, and traveling all over the world sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His saving power.Thousands have been saved, healed, and delivered from demonic oppression and possession.
If you are not saved today, you still have time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and life and get to know Him as your personal Lord and Savior. If I can be of any help to you, please feel free to contact me through our web-site or call. I am praying for you.
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